Just Want to Have Fun

April 16, 2017
Michelle Greenfield

Often times on my Orange Key tours, visitors question me about what Princeton students do for fun. “You don’t study all day, do you?” they ask. To this I laugh and respond that while we do study, we also know how to relax and have fun.

One of the ways my friends and I socialize is through the events hosted by the Princeton Student Events Committee (PSEC). Nearly every week, PSEC hosts an event to bring the community together. Over the past year, I’ve attended bingo, a fall carnival, a painting class, open ice night at Baker Rink, stuffed animal making (one of the biggest events of the semester) and so many other fun events. For instance, at Winterfest, I had the opportunity to stuff my own penguin, nosh on hot chocolate and tasty cookies, take photos in a photo booth with my friends, and even make my own snow globe. PSEC events are great because all of the supplies are free, and it’s a chance to take a fun study break and relax with my friends.


In addition to PSEC events, the undergraduate student government hosts free movies at the Garden Theater every Thursday, Friday and Saturday evening. The movie changes every week, but it’s always completely free and includes popcorn and a soda. When the movie was “La La Land,” more than 200 students attended each showing.

There are also multiple student productions occurring every week. Between attending my friends’ a cappella arch sings, theater performances and dance recitals, I am kept quite busy.

Ayla Allen Dancing in a Body Hype Performance

Eating clubs and student groups also host activities and other events for their members. This past year, Quad, (my eating club) hosted a trip to Six Flags, had a Nerf gun battle, went to the local apple orchard and even brought a ball pit into the club.

If all of these events and performances aren’t enough, the class governments will also host study breaks occasionally with fancy food and giveaways. There is also the annual dodgeball tournament, Truckfest (where we have lots of food trucks come to campus), visiting lecturers, Broadway trips, improv shows, 5k runs, fashion shows, dances and so much more!

Needless to say, there are always lots of things happening on campus to relax and have fun.